Saturday, April 4, 2015

YEP. I'm back!


Like what you see in the tittle, I am, back!

Will share you guys a part of my journey. A weird part when my own self feeling awkward yet amaze. For the time I was disappearing, not even write something in this area was totally a WTF-part. Oh my. This zone will always be my playground where I can do whatever this mind wants. 

I didn't know, I may have a lotta activities, jobs, and bla bla bla, but in the end you know where your heart and also mind going to land. 

SO? Where should I start? 

For the big picture, I've been through random experiences (Well it can be count as classic if I can say) Normal moment for adults which, me, have no idea what to say, or what to respond.

Passion and job

Fashion, books, films, art, public relation, journalism, oh, too much.

Greedy ; I want to chase them all. Oh, not to mention about me being insane on social media, once i did the internship at an advertising agency when I was in college, it was around 5 months as a social media officer, and they hired me as their official staff for almost a year. How fun!

After that, i tried to applied as a Public Relation at a 4-stars hotel and got accepted. Also fun, and taught me so many things..

including office politics

much dirty.

"Yes, Marsha. That was just the way it runs." Almost adults that I've share my problems told me so. HAHAHA. Something that makes you officially hating the humanity

It's not like I didn't know about it, sure I know. Well.. I heard. Untill you facing that you had to lick their ass, fake the everything, etc etc.


LOL Yep. Boyfriend. For my close friends, they probably knew about me changing boyfriend like clothes based on mood. Nah i'm pretty far for being player. Trust me.

I just think that 'love' requires to learned. So does with boys. When I smelt my old boyfriend as an asshole, I didn't quit, and just wondering why did he behave like that, kind of my personal research about men.  Tee-hee. (Anyway, I have a boyfriend now and he's AM-AZING!)

Ok, ok.
That's it for my current life story.

And now will show you my latest outfit in casual mode.

PS: All the outfits are unbranded

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