Monday, April 1, 2013

A Lady In Her Thesis

OH HELL YEAH! This is the time when a college student most anticipated. It was a.. TADAA! THESIS! Ha. ha. ha. (writing in a painful mood T__T) I'm sorry guys, i didn't mean to be a drama queen, even in fact i did. But damn i feel nervous, and afraid, and doubtful, and everything. Pfft. Okay.. Relax, Marsha. Just try to calm your self down. -__-

I'm pretty sure that these random things are quite normal. ;p So, yeah.. Maybe i should try to be more 'excited' in a good way. Well actually i am, but that positive feeling only grows about 30%, the rest of it? WAS PANIC. Bahaha! Pfft.. What else?  For my very first step, i should meet my advisor (he's my lecturer at college), we talked much about what i want, and what can i do about it. Oh, by the way, i choose to take my Non-Thesis Project for my Thesis. It's more like Thesis, but doing project, and i choose to make a Fashion Magazine. :) I know it should be super FUN and it will be! :D 

He asked me "You working already, right? Tell me more about it", i said "Well.. I'm doing a lot in Social Media. Like making a campaign concept, content, something like that" ........ We both in silence, then i am nervous. He asked, "Why don't you make that kinda Thesis, young girl?? Seriously it will be outstanding and different! I know you can do better than this... " FYI, 'better that this' means: better than making a Fashion Magazine. Shit. "Well, sir. I do have a big passion on fashion too. So i think it will be just great if i can prove to people that i can create something real good based on my passion"

I smiled. He agreed. :)

Thank God that he actually a very very very nice person. He allowed me to do everything i want, create every concept that we both think it was a great idea. What can be more happier than that? :D 

So i learned a lot.
  1. Kick out the thought of "What If" before you do something. Too much speculation before action will shut down your potential
  2. Stand on what you want, as long as it is a positive thing, and you know you love it. Personal Tips: Just fart on people who tells you to do shit you don't want to do. 

Tehee~ Is that too serious? Alright, let's get some fun, here! :D

PS : All items are unbranded. I think it was pretty cool that we have no dependence on any particular brands. But I do have favorite brands, still! Be more creative and have fun ;)

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